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Now the circles and lines we used in the beginning are only rough forms, to let us know approximately where features of the face are going to be. In this drawing, I've refined the lower edge of the lower jaw, because I felt it was too straight. Jawbones are often wider closer to the head, and taper at the end of the chin. They're more triangular in shape than straight. So, I've added a little more to the jaw close to the head. We'll refine the shapes even more as we color in the head. Don't expect to get your shapes right on the first try. I never do. I always end up refining the image as I go.

Next, you can add the ear. To make an ear, I make a circle right behind the eye, and from the center of that circle, I extend a pointed oval shape. Then, I trace around the outside of the oval to create an interior and exterior part of the ear. Often, I color these different colors, as I imagine dragons as having lighter fur tufting out from their ears, like my cat does.

I've drawn a few extreaneous lines on the upper half of the muzzle. Sometimes I envison a dragon's face as getting a little narrower on the muzzle, and then more bublous toward the nose - it's a bit like my cats faces, but stretched out.

Finally, I've drawn in the kind of neck plates I wanted this dragon to have. People often depict them as flat ridges (and I do this too sometimes), but when I sat down to think about how they might affect the dragon's ability to move its neck, I thought, there's got to be something more flexible that protects even better. I now favor the cupped neck scale, a bit like a variation on the plates on a snake's belly.

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